Community Events
Ner Avraham nurtures the spiritual and social needs of their members by arranging an array of exciting activities throughout the year.

Over the past few years, the kehilla has become a cohesive group of growth-orientated members who thrive on being part of a growing community - davening, learning and spending time together. These include:
Tiyulim for the community
Guests speakers
Ladies events including shiurim, mishloach manos packing, ladies walking tours, Melave Malka, Hafrashas Challa events
Annual Shabbaton
Melave Malka
Past & Upcoming Events

Ladies Events
Ner Avraham provides the ladies of the community with a variety of activities and events during the year.
Ladies Learning Program on Tuesday mornings - We currently have a weekly Navi shiur with Rebbestzen Chani Jacobowitz, an eloquent and inspiring teacher of Torah. Baruch Hashem our classes are well attended and much enjoyed by all.
Our previous programs have included Interpersonal Relationships Workshops with Dr Leon Bernstein and Growth through Tehillim with Rebbetzen Reinheimer.
Ladies Walking Tours - we have arranged walking tours in and around the Old City of Yerushalayim, guided by Mrs Esti Steinberg. Please click here to see photos of these tours.
Mishloach Manos Packing - a community Purim Project
Melave Malka - an opportunity to come together for a meaningful and enjoyable evening
Hafrashas Challa Events - creating an 'eitz ratzon' to daven for the safety of Am Yisroel and Eretz Yisroel.
Tehillim Group - meets every Shabbos afternoon during the summer months to say the book of Tehillim.