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Community Events

Ner Avraham nurtures the spiritual and social needs of their members by arranging an array of exciting activities throughout the year.

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Over the past few years, the kehilla has become a cohesive group of growth-orientated members who thrive on being part of a growing community - davening, learning and spending time together. These include: 


  • Tiyulim for the community 

  • Guests speakers

  • Shiurim

  • Ladies events including shiurim, mishloach manos packing, ladies walking tours, Melave Malka, Hafrashas Challa events

  • Annual Shabbaton

  • Melave Malka


Past & Upcoming Events


Ladies Events

Ner Avraham provides the ladies of the community with a variety of activities and events during the year. 


  • Ladies Learning Program on Tuesday mornings - We currently have a weekly Navi shiur with Rebbestzen Chani Jacobowitz, an eloquent and inspiring teacher of Torah. Baruch Hashem our classes are well attended and much enjoyed by all. 

  • Our previous programs have included Interpersonal Relationships Workshops with Dr Leon Bernstein and Growth through Tehillim with Rebbetzen Reinheimer.

  • Ladies Walking Tours - we have arranged walking tours in and around the Old City of Yerushalayim, guided by Mrs Esti Steinberg. Please click here to see photos of these tours.

  • Mishloach Manos Packing - a community Purim Project 

  • Melave Malka - an opportunity to come together for a meaningful and enjoyable evening

  • Hafrashas Challa Events - creating an 'eitz ratzon' to daven for the safety of Am Yisroel and Eretz Yisroel.

  • Tehillim Group - meets every Shabbos afternoon during the summer months to say the book of Tehillim.

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Rabbi Wolff delivering his pre-Purim shiur to the ladies of Ner Avraham on Tuesday 12 March 2024

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